Repurposing links for treatment of asthma
Chemical classes and mechanisms for repurposing in Type II diabetes
Potential indications and mechanisms for carvedilol
Mechanistic and indication links for mesalazine-like compounds

DrugRepurposing Online is an open access database created by Numedicus, for finding new uses for both existing and abandoned drugs. Importantly, it is differentiated from other attempts to link molecules, targets and diseases, by focussing functional, experimentally validated content.

Users can freely access this search engine after registration.

Users are encouraged to add new examples of drug repurposing. In this way, DrugRepurposing Online is a community of like-minded investigators, and also a gold standard crowdsourced resource for this most efficient and attractive strategy for medicinal innovation.

Database content

This database contains compounds which have been either launched, registered or investigated, covering 478 indications, with 1027 mechanisms. There are 3138 links between mechanism and indication, 883 links between compound and indication and 292 links between compound and mechanism — so-called “off-target” effects. Overall this gives rise to 4313 repurposing opportunities for further consideration.

The database is populated with 4846 literature references, of which 1121 derive from prospective clinical studies or case reports, 242 from retrospective or case control analyses, 2098 are from pharmacological in vivo studies and 490 are from patents. The rest are in vitro studies or genomic associations.

The original Drugrepurposing Online database has recently been supplemented with access to information from the Guide to Pharmacology database (under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). Where adapted, this information will be be provided to researchers upon request who are interested in its use within DrugRepurposingOnline. As part of this integration, 5281 compounds were obtained as a subset from the full set of 11596 compounds in the Guide To Pharmacology database, after filtration by their categorisation as either FDA-approved drugs, clinical trial drugs, or pre-clinical tool compounds from their incorporation in the Drug Repurposing Hub. This filtered set can be searched for their interactions between compounds and mechanisms, and the results carried forwards for their potential use in various indications.


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